
Another NDH quals another VM wait ...


Last weekend I participated in the Nuit du Hack CTF Quals 2013 with my teamate delroth, you can find an excellent write-up about escaping a Python sandbox on his blog.

So I decided to post a writeup too about the last crackme challenge "Crackme #1".

This Reverse Engineering challenge was a virtual machine, so I decided to reverse the full vm, but today I figured out something ...

Do you remember last ndh prequals ? no no I will not talk about bmp chall but about VMNDH-2k12, it was exactly the same VM (I'm very sad to have lost some hours to reverse something that I know), the only changes was the opcode values, so this post will not deal with the vm stuff you have all the information on this website.

VM Opcode

You can find the vm dump at :

LOAD:000000000048F2E8 vm_dump         db  7Fh ; 
LOAD:000000000048F2E9                 db  45h ; E
LOAD:000000000048F2EA                 db  4Ch ; L
LOAD:000000000048F2EB                 db  46h ; F
LOAD:000000000048F2EC                 db  72h ; r
LOAD:000000000048F2ED                 db    3
LOAD:000000000048F2EE                 db  0Ah

Real vm code start at offset 0x06 (byte 0x0A) and the size of the vm code is 0x371 (881 bytes).

Do you want to mary me ?

I love IDA, and I like writting plugins, scripts, processor (when I don't have to reverse IDA for understanding how their api works :p) in python, so after reversing almost the same vm, I decided to write my ndh2k13 processor, here is the code :

from idaapi import * class DecodingError(Exception): pass class NDHProcessor(processor_t): id = 0x8000 + 5855 flag = PR_ADJSEGS | PRN_HEX cnbits = 8 dnbits = 8 psnames = ["ndh2k13"] plnames = ["ndh2k13 VM CPU"] segreg_size = 0 instruc_start = 0 assembler = { "flag": AS_NCHRE | ASH_HEXF4 | ASD_DECF1 | ASO_OCTF3 | ASB_BINF2 | AS_NOTAB, "uflag": 0, "name": "NDH assembler", "origin": ".org", "end": ".end", "cmnt": ";", "ascsep": '"', "accsep": "'", "esccodes": "\"'", "a_ascii": ".ascii", "a_byte": ".byte", "a_word": ".word", "a_bss": "dfs %s", "a_seg": "seg", "a_curip": "PC", "a_public": "", "a_weak": "", "a_extrn": ".extern", "a_comdef": "", "a_align": ".align", "lbrace": "(", "rbrace": ")", "a_mod": "%", "a_band": "&", "a_bor": "|", "a_xor": "^", "a_bnot": "~", "a_shl": "<<", "a_shr": ">>", "a_sizeof_fmt": "size %s", } reg_names = regNames = [ "R0", "R1", "R2", "R3", "R4", "R5", "R6", "R7", "SP", "BP", "CS", "DS" ] instruc = instrs = [ { 'name': 'PUSH', 'feature': CF_USE1 }, { 'name': 'PUSHB', 'feature': CF_USE1 }, { 'name': 'PUSHW', 'feature': CF_USE1 }, { 'name': 'NOP', 'feature': 0 }, { 'name': 'POP', 'feature': CF_USE1 }, { 'name': 'MOV', 'feature': CF_USE1 | CF_USE2 }, { 'name': 'MOVB', 'feature': CF_USE1 | CF_USE2 }, { 'name': 'MOVW', 'feature': CF_USE1 | CF_USE2 }, { 'name': 'ADD', 'feature': CF_USE1 | CF_USE2 }, { 'name': 'ADDB', 'feature': CF_USE1 | CF_USE2 }, { 'name': 'ADDW', 'feature': CF_USE1 | CF_USE2 }, { 'name': 'SUB', 'feature': CF_USE1 | CF_USE2 }, { 'name': 'SUBB', 'feature': CF_USE1 | CF_USE2 }, { 'name': 'SUBW', 'feature': CF_USE1 | CF_USE2 }, { 'name': 'MUL', 'feature': CF_USE1 | CF_USE2 }, { 'name': 'MULB', 'feature': CF_USE1 | CF_USE2 }, { 'name': 'MULW', 'feature': CF_USE1 | CF_USE2 }, { 'name': 'DIV', 'feature': CF_USE1 | CF_USE2 }, { 'name': 'DIVB', 'feature': CF_USE1 | CF_USE2 }, { 'name': 'DIVW', 'feature': CF_USE1 | CF_USE2 }, { 'name': 'INC', 'feature': CF_USE1 }, { 'name': 'DEC', 'feature': CF_USE1 }, { 'name': 'OR', 'feature': CF_USE1 | CF_USE2 }, { 'name': 'ORB', 'feature': CF_USE1 | CF_USE2 }, { 'name': 'ORW', 'feature': CF_USE1 | CF_USE2 }, { 'name': 'AND', 'feature': CF_USE1 | CF_USE2 }, { 'name': 'ANDB', 'feature': CF_USE1 | CF_USE2 }, { 'name': 'ANDW', 'feature': CF_USE1 | CF_USE2 }, { 'name': 'XOR', 'feature': CF_USE1 | CF_USE2 }, { 'name': 'XORB', 'feature': CF_USE1 | CF_USE2 }, { 'name': 'XORW', 'feature': CF_USE1 | CF_USE2 }, { 'name': 'NOT', 'feature': CF_USE1 }, { 'name': 'JZ', 'feature': CF_USE1 }, { 'name': 'JNZ', 'feature': CF_USE1 }, { 'name': 'JMPS', 'feature': CF_USE1 | CF_STOP }, { 'name': 'TEST', 'feature': CF_USE1 | CF_USE2 }, { 'name': 'CMP', 'feature': CF_USE1 | CF_USE2 }, { 'name': 'CMPB', 'feature': CF_USE1 | CF_USE2 }, { 'name': 'CMPW', 'feature': CF_USE1 | CF_USE2 }, { 'name': 'CALL', 'feature': CF_USE1 | CF_CALL }, { 'name': 'RET', 'feature': CF_STOP }, { 'name': 'JMPL', 'feature': CF_USE1 | CF_STOP }, { 'name': 'END', 'feature': CF_STOP }, { 'name': 'XCHG', 'feature': CF_USE1 | CF_USE2 }, { 'name': 'JA', 'feature': CF_USE1 }, { 'name': 'JB', 'feature': CF_USE1 }, { 'name': 'SYSCALL', 'feature': 0 }, ] instruc_end = len(instruc) def __init__(self): processor_t.__init__(self) self._init_instructions() self._init_registers() def _init_instructions(self): self.inames = {} for idx, ins in enumerate(self.instrs): self.inames[ins['name']] = idx def _init_registers(self): self.reg_ids = {} for i, reg in enumerate(self.reg_names): self.reg_ids[reg] = i self.regFirstSreg = self.regCodeSreg = self.reg_ids["CS"] self.regLastSreg = self.regDataSreg = self.reg_ids["DS"] def _read_cmd_byte(self): ea = self.cmd.ea + self.cmd.size byte = get_full_byte(ea) self.cmd.size += 1 return byte def _read_reg(self): r = self._read_cmd_byte() if r >= 0x0A: raise DecodingError() return r def _ana_ntypeinstr(self, name, valid): cmd = self.cmd optype = self._read_cmd_byte() if optype not in valid: raise DecodingError() if optype not in (4, 5, 6): cmd[0].type = o_reg cmd[0].dtyp = dt_word cmd[0].reg = self._read_reg() if optype == 0x0: cmd.itype = self.inames[name] cmd[1].type = o_reg cmd[1].dtyp = dt_word cmd[1].reg = self._read_reg() elif optype == 0x1: cmd.itype = self.inames[name + "B"] cmd[1].type = o_imm cmd[1].dtyp = dt_byte cmd[1].value = self._read_cmd_byte() elif optype == 0x2: cmd.itype = self.inames[name + "W"] cmd[1].type = o_imm cmd[1].dtyp = dt_word cmd[1].value = self._read_cmd_byte() cmd[1].value |= self._read_cmd_byte() << 8 elif optype == 0x3: cmd.itype = self.inames[name] elif optype == 0x4: cmd.itype = self.inames[name + "B"] cmd[0].type = o_imm cmd[0].dtyp = dt_byte cmd[0].value = self._read_cmd_byte() elif optype == 0x5: cmd.itype = self.inames[name + "W"] cmd[0].type = o_imm cmd[0].dtyp = dt_word cmd[0].value = self._read_cmd_byte() cmd[0].value |= self._read_cmd_byte() << 8 elif optype == 0x6: cmd.itype = self.inames[name + "B"] cmd[0].type = o_phrase cmd[0].dtyp = dt_word cmd[0].reg = self._read_reg() cmd[1].type = o_reg cmd[1].dtyp = dt_word cmd[1].reg = self._read_reg() elif optype == 0xA: cmd.itype = self.inames[name] cmd[1].type = o_phrase cmd[1].dtyp = dt_word cmd[1].reg = self._read_reg() else: raise DecodingError() def _ana_one_r(self, name): cmd = self.cmd cmd.itype = self.inames[name] cmd[0].type = o_reg cmd[0].dtyp = dt_word cmd[0].reg = self._read_reg() def _ana_two_r(self, name): cmd = self.cmd cmd.itype = self.inames[name] cmd[0].type = o_reg cmd[0].dtyp = dt_word cmd[0].reg = self._read_reg() cmd[1].type = o_reg cmd[1].dtyp = dt_word cmd[1].reg = self._read_reg() def _ana_jmp(self, name, size=16): cmd = self.cmd cmd.itype = self.inames[name] addr = self._read_cmd_byte() if size == 16: addr |= self._read_cmd_byte() << 8 if (addr & 0x8000): addr -= 0x10000 else: if addr & 0x80: addr -= 0x100 addr += cmd.ea + cmd.size cmd[0].type = o_near cmd[0].dtyp = dt_word cmd[0].addr = addr def _ana(self): cmd = self.cmd opcode = self._read_cmd_byte() if opcode == 0x1F: self._ana_ntypeinstr("PUSH", valid=(3, 4, 5)) elif opcode == 0x0A: cmd.itype = self.inames["JMPL"] self._ana_jmp("JMPL") elif opcode == 0x1C: self._ana_ntypeinstr("MOV", valid=(0, 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)) elif opcode == 0x0C: cmd.itype = self.inames["CALL"] flags = self._read_cmd_byte() if flags == 0x4: addr = self._read_cmd_byte() addr |= self._read_cmd_byte() << 8 if (addr & 0x8000): addr -= 0x10000 addr += cmd.ea + cmd.size cmd[0].type = o_near cmd[0].dtyp = dt_word cmd[0].addr = addr elif flags == 0x3: reg = self._read_reg() cmd[0].type = o_reg cmd[0].dtyp = dt_word cmd[0].reg = reg else: raise DecodingError() elif opcode == 0x30: cmd.itype = self.inames["SYSCALL"] elif opcode == 0x0B: cmd.itype = self.inames["RET"] elif opcode == 0x1A: self._ana_ntypeinstr("SUB", valid=(0, 1, 2)) elif opcode == 0x0D: self._ana_ntypeinstr("CMP", valid=(0, 1, 2)) elif opcode == 0x11: self._ana_jmp("JZ") elif opcode == 0x09: cmd.itype = self.inames["END"] elif opcode == 0x1F: self._ana_jmp("JMPS", size=8) elif opcode == 0x17: self._ana_one_r("INC") elif opcode == 0x10: self._ana_jmp("JNZ") elif opcode == 0x16: self._ana_one_r("DEC") elif opcode == 0x13: self._ana_ntypeinstr("XOR", valid=(0, 1, 2)) elif opcode == 0x0E: self._ana_two_r("TEST") elif opcode == 0x1D: self._ana_one_r("POP") elif opcode == 0x07: self._ana_jmp("JA") elif opcode == 0x0F: self._ana_jmp("JMPS", size=8) elif opcode == 0x06: self._ana_jmp("JB") elif opcode == 0x1B: self._ana_ntypeinstr("ADD", valid=(0, 1, 2)) elif opcode == 0x08: self._ana_two_r("XCHG") elif opcode == 0x19: self._ana_ntypeinstr("MUL", valid=(0, 1, 2)) else: raise DecodingError() return cmd.size def ana(self): try: return self._ana() except DecodingError: return 0 def _emu_operand(self, op): if op.type == o_mem: ua_dodata2(0, op.addr, op.dtyp) ua_add_dref(0, op.addr, dr_R) elif op.type == o_near: if self.cmd.get_canon_feature() & CF_CALL: fl = fl_CN else: fl = fl_JN ua_add_cref(0, op.addr, fl) def emu(self): cmd = self.cmd ft = cmd.get_canon_feature() if ft & CF_USE1: self._emu_operand(cmd[0]) if ft & CF_USE2: self._emu_operand(cmd[1]) if ft & CF_USE3: self._emu_operand(cmd[2]) if not ft & CF_STOP: ua_add_cref(0, cmd.ea + cmd.size, fl_F) return True def outop(self, op): if op.type == o_reg: out_register(self.reg_names[op.reg]) elif op.type == o_imm: OutValue(op, OOFW_IMM) elif op.type in [o_near, o_mem]: ok = out_name_expr(op, op.addr, BADADDR) if not ok: out_tagon(COLOR_ERROR) OutLong(op.addr, 16) out_tagoff(COLOR_ERROR) QueueMark(Q_noName, self.cmd.ea) elif op.type == o_phrase: out_symbol('[') out_register(self.reg_names[op.reg]) out_symbol(']') else: return False return True def out(self): cmd = self.cmd ft = cmd.get_canon_feature() buf = init_output_buffer(1024) OutMnem(15) if ft & CF_USE1: out_one_operand(0) if ft & CF_USE2: OutChar(',') OutChar(' ') out_one_operand(1) if ft & CF_USE3: OutChar(',') OutChar(' ') out_one_operand(2) term_output_buffer() cvar.gl_comm = 1 MakeLine(buf) def PROCESSOR_ENTRY(): return NDHProcessor()

If you have trouble for dumping vm_opcode, you can find the dump here.

Load the vm into IDA, choose "ndh2k13 VM CPU: ndh2k13", when IDA ask you for the memory organisation tell him :

Now you can start reverse :)


We have got only 3 syscall for this version of the vm :

The code of the vm start here :

ROM:8317                 MOVW           R0, aPassword
ROM:831C                 CALL           write_msg
ROM:8320                 SUBB           SP, $20
ROM:8324                 MOV            R2, SP
ROM:8328                 MOVB           R1, 0
ROM:832C                 MOVB           R3, $1F
ROM:8330                 MOVB           R0, $3
ROM:8334                 SYSCALL                 ; SYSCALL READ
ROM:8335                 MOV            R0, R2
ROM:8339                 CALL           check_password

And the pseudo - code of the function check_password is :

char *key = 0x8342;
if (strlen(buf_password) == 9)	// "\n" include
	if (buf_password[0] ^ key[0] == 'S')
		if (buf_password[1] ^ key[1] == '[')
			if (buf_password[2] ^ key[2] == 'K')
				if (buf_password[3] ^ key[3] == ')')
					... etc ...
					print("GOOD PASSWORD\n")
print("BAD PASSWORD\n")

And the good password is :

key = [0x12, 0x21, 0x02, 0x19, 0x25, 0x34, 0x29, 0x11]
res = ['S', '[', 'K', ')', 'R', 'v', 'Z', 'I']
password = ""
for i in xrange(0, 8):
	password += chr(ord(res[i]) ^ key[i])
print password

The flag was 'AzI0wBsX'.


I'm an idiot to reverse an entire vm and not figure out it was the same than last year, but during ctf you want to be the fatest and don't (always) think about old challenges.

Another solution was to count the number of instructions executed by the vm, yeah because when you write crackme, I think you should compute hash, or something like that, because consecutive if statements is just lulz.

Enjoy :

#! /bin/sh

charset="a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z"
charset="$charset _ - ! $ % ^ \\& \\* + = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 > < ,"

cat > gdbscript <<EOF
set height 0
define countinstrs
	p "instr"

b *0x0000000000400C7F	# call handler opcode
run < guess


for c in $charset; do
	echo -n "$guess" > guess
	echo "AAAAAAA" >> guess
	echo -n "trying key `cat guess`... "
	gdb ./simple < gdbscript 2>&1 \
		| grep '^\$.*= "instr"$' \
		| tail -1 \
		| cut -d ' ' -f 1 \
		| cut -c 2-

First letter :

trying key zAAAAAAA... 245
trying key AAAAAAAA... 252
trying key BAAAAAAA... 245

Edit script for replacing first letter by "A"

trying key AyAAAAAA... 252
trying key AzAAAAAA... 259
trying key AAAAAAAA... 252

And do it for the 8 letters.